
Trusting Someone Other than Myself

"Indeed, we had the sentence of death within ourselves in order that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God who raises the dead;"

- 2 Corinthians 1:9

I've come to the realization as of late that my trust has been misplaced. I pride myself in being able to accomplish whatever I set my mind to doing. I'm a perfectionist. When I start something, I want to see it through until the end and I want it to be flawless. However, I am learning that in order to live the life I was meant to live, I have placed my trust in the wrong person. So allow me to opine on trust and share with you what I've learned.

Peitho - "to have confidence"; "to trust" 

I am guilty of not seeking God for counsel in all things when it seems things are going well. I assume that my abilities are enough to carry me through my days/nights into the next day. I "have confidence" or "trust" in my own abilities. When problems arise, I run away from God and try to solve them on my own. Yet when times become too difficult and burdens become too heavy and life seems almost impossible to live, then will I seek help from God. I will lean on him...(but not completely; not wholly). What I am learning, however, is that no matter my circumstances, there is freedom and peace in placing all of my "trust" in God. 

Self-trust doesn't win us anything. It doesn't make us stronger. It doesn't promote us to any status. It doesn't guarantee anything at all. But I am learning that trust in God never fails because God is the fountain of life to all who serve Him. God is the source of power that I need. 

Paul's letter to the Corinthians made mention of his problems and trials that he had in Asia to the point that he and Timothy had given up hope on life. And in that moment, when despair consumed them, they realized that trust in themselves is far less effective than trusting "in God who raises the dead". The same is true of me. Now that I am realizing and apprehending the insufficiency of my ability to be my own savior, those moments of despair have induced the realization that placing my confidence and hope in God, who is sufficient beyond anything I could ever imagine, is the greatest destination for my trust. Since God is a God who raises the dead, then what trials do I have in my life that are too great to give to Him? None. His strength is perfect. His plans are perfect. My plans fail. My strength is limited....but I now know that my extremities are God's opportunities. 

And so I have a new place for my trust to rest. I place my trust in God because He has my best interest at heart. I place my trust in God because without Him I am not enough. I can't claim any adequacy without God. My natural talent only carries me so far. I'm learning that I am not competent to carry out the responsibilities of God's calling in my own strength. However, with God, I am capable to live the life I was meant to live according to His calling. I am capable to do His work because of His strength. I don't want to live a mediocre "christian life"....and I don't have to...neither do you!

"This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance (and for this we labor and strive), that we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, and especially those who believe"

- 1 Timothy 4:9-10

The fact is that Jesus Christ is the Savior for all but His salvation is only effective for those who trust Him (Go ahead and read that sentence again). 

And so I trust in the living God.